Author Fran Lewis
About the Author
Fran Lewis: Fran worked in the NYC Public Schools as the Reading and Writing Staff Developer for over 36 years. She has three Master's Degrees and a PD in Supervision and Administration. Currently, she is a member of Who's Who of America's Teachers and Who's Who of America's Executives from Cambridge. In addition, she is the author of three children's books and a fourth that has just been published on Alzheimer's disease in order to honor her mom and help create more awareness for a cure. The title of my new Alzheimer’s book is Memories are Precious: Alzheimer’s Journey; Ruth’s story and Sharp as a Tack and Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain? Fran is also the author of Faces Behind the Stones, Bad Choices and M.J. Magazine, an E-Magazine dedicated to the memory of her sister Marcia Joyce. She is also a member of Continental’s Who’s Who of America’s Executives and Professionals and the author of 11 titles. She is presently working on creating a second radio show called Chat Time with Fran Lewis on Blog Talk Radio, the Red River Network and adding more outstanding shows on the World of Ink Network. Her show Book Discussion is heard all over the world, and she has many listeners.
She was the musical director for shows in her school and ran the school's newspaper. Fran writes reviews for authors upon request and for several other sites. You can read some of my reviews on Ezine.comand on under the name Gabina. Here is the link to her radio show
Faces Behind the Stones
Author: Fran Lewis
Print ISBN: 9781937593964
E-Book ISBN: 9781937593971
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Release Date 1/23/2012
Driving down the rocky path I saw the overgrown grass, weeds and poison ivy overtaking the outer perimeter of the bushes. The smell of mildew, the stench of the dried bones of animals killed by cars along this dirt road coming up from the ground, the sadness on the faces of the drivers in the cars behind us; you could feel the pain and sorrow. As you looked inside the cars and saw the faces of the drivers, you began to wonder what they were thinking, their thoughts and feelings as they travelled down life’s highway, possibly for the very last time. What stories lie behind the faces behind the wheel of each car? What stories lie hidden? Faces…so, so many stories. Here are seven that will make chills run down your spine and make you wonder: What lies behind the stones? Who lives there? Only the Faces Behind the Stones Know the Answers!
Bad Choices
Faces Behind the Stones Book 2
Author: Fran Lewis
Print ISBN: 9781938243776
E-Book ISBN: 9781938243783
Release Date 7/15/12
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
The choices that you make today are the ones you will live with forever. As I drive through many different cemeteries you will hear the voices of those behind these stones. Some are old and worn while others are just beginning to fade as the memories of those teens whose names are on the stones. Bad Choices are made when teens become despondent, feel all alone, do not fit in or even just want to become popular at any cost to themselves or others. The ground is flat and filled with mold and mildew on some of the plots and stones while others are covered with moss. The newer graves that have just been dug have no bushes or grass as the occupants have just arrived and their graves have yet to settle. Get in the back seat of the limo and join the driver and find out just why each of these teens wound up behind the many different stones in the many different cemeteries you will be visiting. Bad Choices: we all make them but some are more costly than others. Open the door the driver is waiting and maybe you won’t wind up as a face behind the stones.
Lies, Betrayals, Fear
Faces Behind the Stones 3
Author: Fran Lewis
Print ISBN: 9781939865984
E-Book ISBN: 9781939865991
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Release Date 10/01/2013
Praise for Faces Three: Lies: Betrayals: Fear: Who will be the next to wind up behind a stone: FACES 3: Fran Lewis
Faces behind the stones will grab you from beyond. Watch where you walk-Karen H.Vaughan: Author of Daytona Dead
Fran Lewis’ Faces Three: Lies, Betrayal, Fear shows chillingly that crime comes in many forms. So does retribution. It’s filled with delicious irony. Mark Rubinstein Author, Mad Dog House and Love Gone Mad
Walk through a cemetery, and read the names of the Faces Behind the Stones. If you listen very carefully, you may hear the voices of the unfortunate souls who are forever interred there, desperately trying to tell their stories. Murder, arson, deception, and embezzlement…these are just a few of the crimes that led to their “change in zip code.” But, the question must be asked…were they innocent victims? Or did they deserve their grizzly fates? Lies, betray, fear: you be the judge: Maxine Bringenberg: Editor
With this brilliant blend of fiction with non-fiction the book illuminates a seemingly unimportant issue which in fact is at the root of much evil in the world. Through her powerful writing, the sharp presentation and great intellectual understanding of the subject at hand the author(s) has (have) created an important piece of literature and a moral lesson which nobody in my opinion is too young, too old or too wise to hear. Outstanding: Christoph Fischer
Fans of the Stones series won‘t be disappointed. Once again, Fran Lewis has shown her great insight into human nature. Another book to make the reader wonder: Ann Stanmore Author
Two Sisters from the South Bronx
Author: Fran Lewis
Print ISBN: 9781951642952
E-Book ISBN: 9781951642969
Genre: Juvenile Nonfiction/Family/Siblings
Release Date 8/13/2020
We grew up as Marcia and Fran. My sister was beautiful, thin and talented. She has the lead in productions of Broadway Shows in our school. These are true stories. Marcia was a ray of sunshine on a stormy day. She was rare. Never saying a negative word about anyone, always looking for the positive in people. No matter how difficult the problem, she figured out the solution. Sometimes the solution would make you smile and other times double over laughing. This is. A collection of stories to remind young people that sisters are best friends forever.