Author Jennifer Brian

About the Author
Jennifer is an interior design consultant by day and spends her free time writing and vlogging. She has published five books in multiple genres, including science fiction, young adult, and fantasy. She also spends a great deal of time creating video content of her travels and passions with her partner through their Youtube channel.
When not writing or traveling, Jennifer enjoys spending time with her partner in Hawaii scuba diving or hiking. Her other favorite pass time is, of course, reading, but also plant-based cooking and watching a healthy dose of Netflix.
Author: Jennifer Brian
Hardback ISBN: 9798866769742
Paperback ISBN: 9798891261006
eBook ISBN: 9798891261013
Genre: Adventure
Release Date 11/27/2027
Raven, sitting in a cracked brown leather seat of a Cessna 185, gazed through the frosted window. Before her was Denali National Park, the vast expanse of angular rocks paralleled the rise, fall, and desolate void that was her life— an insurmountable mountain range of addiction, struggles, torn relationships, jail, and abuse.
To break the cycle, Raven opted to leave her old life and toxic relationships behind to seek a new life in Alaska with a grandmother she’d never met.
Gazing at the mountains in all their glory, the plane’s engine lurched, and before she knew it, the plane carrying eight passengers was now freefalling to the Alaskan abyss. Life flashed and darted before her eyes, muffled only by the screams and screeches of impending death…then blackness.
As Raven’s eyelids fluttered open, her world had shifted. She was in a plane crash. No amount of heroin could save her now. Raven had a choice. Survive or die.