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Author Jude Stephens

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About the Author


Jude Stephens is the author of several vampire novels. She also writes short story horror. When asked why she delves into the paranormal, she explains, “It’s pretty simple. I like to be scared.”

Early influences were Stephen King and Dean Koontz.

Jude lives in Eastern Pennsylvania and has two grown children Mark and Megan and a granddaughter. In her spare time she enjoys traveling with her fiancé Walter, one of their favorite cities is New Orleans. He likes the jazz and she likes the ghosts.

Jude is currently working on several sequels to some of her popular vampire series. 

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Vampire Delights on Polar Nights


Author: Jude Stephens

Print ISBN:    9781629891323

eBook ISBN:  9781629891330

Genre: Paranormal Erotica

Release Date 08/15/2014


On a small frozen island in the Artic, stands a structure committed to ensuring a future for the earth’s population, a place for countries to store seeds in case of world disaster. Far below the precious seeds lies another place, one where a clandestine organization holds eight captured vampires.

Nicholas Patroclus is a twelve hundred year old vampire and responsible for saving seven other vampires being held in a region that is every vampire’s worse nightmare. Soon the two and a half month long polar nights will descend upon them and he and the other vampires will perish. Breaking vampire code, Nicholas tells his captors what they need to survive. Sexual release.

Karen Walls is a Commander with a global agency that is dedicated to saving the world and has never questioned an assignment. Not even when it requires her to oversee eight of her colleagues who’ve volunteered to sexually service eight dangerous vampires.

Eight vampires, eight women come together with dangerous secrets and explosive desires. During the long, sensuous polar nights their beliefs and values will be forever shattered when they give in to passionate delights.

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