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Fran Lewis: Fran worked in the NYC Public Schools as the Reading and Writing Staff Developer for over 36 years. She has three Master's Degrees and a PD in Supervision and Administration. Currently, she is a member of Who's Who of America's Teachers and Who's Who of America's Executives from Cambridge. In addition, she is the author of three children's books and a fourth that has just been published on Alzheimer's disease in order to honor her mom and help create more awareness for a cure. The title of my new Alzheimer’s book is Memories are Precious: Alzheimer’s Journey; Ruth’s story and Sharp as a Tack and Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain? Fran is also the author of Faces Behind the Stones, Bad Choices and M.J. Magazine, an E-Magazine dedicated to the memory of her sister Marcia Joyce. She is also a member of Continental’s Who’s Who of America’s Executives and Professionals and the author of 11 titles. She is presently working on creating a second radio show called Chat Time with Fran Lewis on Blog Talk Radio, the Red River Network and adding more outstanding shows on the World of Ink Network. Her show Book Discussion is heard all over the world, and she has many listeners.

She was the musical director for shows in her school and ran the school's newspaper. Fran writes reviews for authors upon request and for several other sites. You can read some of my reviews on Ezine.comand on under the name Gabina. Here is the link to her radio show



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